For the cultivation and exploration of Freemasonry


The transactions of the Association for the year, are published each  November. This soft back publication

Every subscribing member receives a copy  as part of the membership fee of the Association.

It forms a perfect reference companion for any future research or simply catch up on a missed meeting.

Perfect if you are not near to Manchester and are unable to attend.

Receiving this publication, rich in interesting material each year is a good reason to join us!

Copies of most of the earlier Transactions are also available to members:

Volume of transactions

Vols. VIII-XIV, XXV-XXIX, XXXII-LXXIII at £5.00 each plus postage.

“MORE MASONRY INTO MEN” by FL Pick: The story of the Manchester Association
for Masonic Research and a guide to Masonic Literature, with an index to the first 40volumes of the Transactions. £5.00 each plus postage.

(The index to Volumes XLI-LV is to be found in Volume LV and that for Volumes LVILXX in Volume LXX).

Application for the above mentioned publications to be made to the Librarian:
WBro Tony Costello. Down load the index to see all the papers available.

Download the MAMR transactions index here:

MAMR Index Vol 1to 50

MAMR Index 1910-2008